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AREAS OF THEORICAL LINGUISTICS Theorical linguistics is normally divided in separate branches, because in this way it can be studied independently. The different areas are: Phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, stylistics and pragmatics.

PHONETICS, is the study of speech sounds and how they are used in a language or transmited and received, also is the study of all the sounds that human voice is capable of creating. Most of the principles that can be apply to the study of phonetics are also apply to the study of phonology.

PHONOLOGY, this is a subbranch of grammar and consists in the description of the way that sounds function within a given language.

MORPHOLOGY, is a subdiscipline of linguistics so studies the word structure. Words are the interface between phonology, syntax and semantics. There are many access current to morphology.

SYNTAX, is the study of the rules, that explains how the words in a sentence come together. This makes that a category of words like nouns, adjectives, verbs, adverbs, conjuctions,etc.and this words after are involved in what is called clauses which make the sentences.

SEMANTICS, is the study of the meaning of the words and how this meaning make sense to the sentence.Semantics are always in connection with syntax due to are the opposites, one, semantics, is the meaning of the words and the other, syntax, is the meaning in the sentence.

STYLISTICS,is the study that explains the used of the language and how the writer or the speaker whises to communicate and how the reader or the hearer receives the information.

PRAGMATICS, is a branch of linguistics and is the study of the influation on the context from the interpretation of meaning.

These areas are not universally recognized.

DIACHRONIC LINGUISTICS Although the centre of theorical linguistics consists on the languages studies at a particular point of time often in the present, diachronic linguistics studies how the languages have been developed and changed over the centuries.

APPLIED LINGUISTICS While theorical linguistics manage to describe the generalities and the diferences among the languages, applied linguistics takes this information and applies it to other areas.For example, speech synthesis and speech recognition use linguistic knowledge to supply voice interfaces to computers.

CONTEXTUAL LINGUISTICS Contextual linguistics is that control which makes that linguistics conect with other academic disciplines. While theorical linguistics concern with studing language on its own motive the inder-disciplinary areas relate the language with the rest of the world. Social sciences that consider societies as whole and linguistics interact are: Sociolinguistics, anthropological linguistics and linguistic anthropology. Other areas that are included in linguistics are: evolutionary linguistics, cognitive science, language acquisition and stratificational linguistics.

INDIVIDUAL SPEAKERS, LANGUAGE COMMUNITIES, AND LINGUISTIC UNIVERSALS Linguists also show regard for how extensive is the group of language uses they study. Some analyze the language development. Some of this studies refers to speech community, others try to find linguistic universals that apply to all users of human language everywhere.

DESCRIPTION AND PRESCRIPTION The work done about linguistics is mainly descriptive.The linguists try to look for the nature of language without passing value judgements or brank the future of the language. Prescriptivists want to correct the incorrect usage of the language and descriptivists want to find the root of such usage.