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The word 'Persons' has more history behind it than the meaning commonly referring to the plural of 'Person'

'Persons' is many times used as a last name for families in the United States. The name derives from the last name 'Pearsons' or 'Piersons.' During the 1800's and early 1900's many immigrants' origin could be identified by their last name. Irish, Germans, Austrians and many other aliens commonly had the last name Pierson or Pearson or other related last names that would indicate their country of origin. As a result many families, upon entry into the United States, would change their last name to Persons to avoid being discriminated and ridiculed based on where they came from. The spelling of the last name 'Persons' was regarded as very American and would allow the children of immigrants to go about their lives without fear of their heritage preventing them from succeeding in their endeavors.